Colin Power – Podiatrist
“making foot care easier for you”
- Dry Cracked Heels
- Difficult to cut Toenails
- Warts
- Soft Corns
- Fungal Toenails
- Ingrown Toenails
- Corns
- Callus
- Thick Toenails
- Single use Instruments
Power Podiatry still offers general foot care at a very high standard. General foot care was the bread and butter of a podiatry clinic when we began. Things like cutting difficult to manage toenails and reducing dry skin, corns and callus was all in a days work. We still believe that these skills are important for a podiatrist to master before they progress to more advanced techniques. This takes time and a desire to provide optimum foot care.
The simple things still matter when it comes to Foot Care…
Dry Cracked Heels
Dry Cracked Heels easily treated @ Power Podiatry
If your skin is dry and cracked and you feel like you have crocodile skin on your feet then you need to see a podiatrist. This is not only for cosmetic reasons as studies have linked corns and callus (Dry Skin) with increased risk of falls.
Thick Toenails
Are Thick Toenails getting the better of you?
Having difficulty cutting your own toenails is no need for shame. Some toenails need a little special nohow and the right set of instruments.
Single use Podiatry Instruments
We use single use podiatry instruments to safeguard our patients against avoidable infections. This is safer for our patients as it reduces the chance of infection from locally (within the clinic) reprocessed instruments. These instruments are not sent to landfill but to a disposal facility and the steel can be recovered using a validated process for reuse as industrial steel.